Five teachings of jainism holy book

The texts containing the teachings of mahavira are called the agamas, and these are the scriptures of svetambara jainism. Hinduism, buddhism, jainism, sikhism, taoism, confucianism. Shah jain study center of north carolina raleigh 401 farmstead drive, cary nc 275115631. Five great vows mahavratas of jainism taken by jain. Unlike most common monotheistic religions, jainism does not have one holy book that characterizes their faith. Mahaviras disciples compiled his words into texts or sutras, and. The next three vows, the gunavrata, are intended to enhance, strengthen, and purify the anuvrata, and the final four vows, the shikshavrata, are disciplinary, intended to govern internal actions and encourage participation in religious life. These five great vows must be strictly followed by the monks. The first five of these vows, the anuvrata, are similar to the five great vows, though they are more limited in scope and easier to follow. Jain religion the true nature of a substance is a religion any activities of body, mind and speech. The holy book of jainism is a collection of texts known as agam literature or the agam sutras. List of world religions and founders, religious books. Possesses one to five senses touch, taste, smell, sight, hearing one sense ekendria. There is some concession in strictness of these vows for the householders.

Jains see these texts, which are the transcriptions of lord mahavirs sermons, as sacred documents. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other. Religious scriptures of jainism are known as agama. The five senses are touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing. Agams are the jain texts which are based on the discourse. The holy teachers are called the jina, and they are the epitome of teaching for all jains, especially the jina mahavira. This will help one to be able have detachment from material items, ajivas and this will help destroy karma. They are declaration of faith, praying five times a day, giving money to charity, fasting and pilgrimage to mecca at least once. Jainism has classified all the living beings according to their senses. Ahimsa or nonviolence is the fundamental or cardinal principle of jainism. There are mainly five teachings of jainism called 5 vows of jainism which include ahimsa or, nonviolence aprigraha or, nonpossessiveness bramhcharya. Jainism is an eastern religion with origins in the indus river valley dating back to 3000 b.

Living being with five senses humans, animals, birds, heavenly and hellish beings. In order for one to achieve the three jewels to acquire liberation, one must follow the five vows. Jainism is an ancient religion from india that teaches way to liberation by living the lives of. The texts containing the teachings of mahavira are called the agamas, and are the canonical literature the scriptures of svetambara jainism mahaviras disciples compiled his. Muslims base their laws on their holy book quran and the sunnah. The teachings of the twenty four tirthankaras were first composed in fourteen purvas and later in twelve angpravishthaagams by ganadhars themselves.

Jainism dont have any specific holy book like the bhagavad geeta,the quran or the bible. Thats why jainism is considered to be the most peaceful religion in this world. These vows summarize the teachings of mahavira, jinas, and practices from early jain days. This page lists some jain festivals and holy days, including the birthday of mahavira and paryushana, which started as a monastic day of reflection. Instead they have a collection of holy writings and scriptures. We have certain scriptures which are considered as very sacred.

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